Diversity Equity Inclusion

Inclusion Labs

Inclusion Labs

The website of the organisation which, it is proposed, should apply its dogma of EDI across our school is dripping with the language of the Progressive Left, deceptive socialism of the culture that is so full of its own righteousness that tolerance of other viewpoints is not an option.

For Inclusion Labs it is axiomatic that our civilization is to be condemned, taken down. Strange then that so many foreign parents, with the means to send their children anywhere, decide to opt for the appallingly racist and discriminatory Britain.

Where is the perfect Socialist utopia to which Inclusion Labs demands to drive us? Before we knock down our horrible civilization could we please see a living, working example of the EDI Left utopia of harmony where our children would have to live instead?


The coercive language of Far Left “Inclusion”

“we must encompass the whole school”.

“Advocacy is not enough. Schools must actively pursue change across every facet”.

“We must drive diversity into our schools”.

Join our movement.

Co-ordinating commitments to embed diversity equity and inclusion in our schools.


The programme of EDI that Inclusion Labs prescribes for schools starts with anonymous surveys of parents and of children. The response from Dragon children who did their survey in February 2024 seems to have been that it was rather tedious, asking about things they regarded as non-issues. Thankfully there does not seem to be much bullying, and children know there are adults they can turn to.  To give credit where it is due, the opportunity for children to report any problems with bullying has value but it would be better as a named survey, so the few individual cases can be followed up and dealt with.

But here is where Inclusion Labs is going to differ from many parents. They want to identify systemic institutional racism / sexism / something-phobia. Most parents however will see bullying as a particular individual problem that, given human nature, can never be eliminated, even within a culture of kindness, and needs alert and sensitive teachers and parents to deal with it. 

The survey of parents is interested to know which of 8 diverse sexual orientations we consider ourselves to be. You might have thought that our status as parents is a bit of a giveaway. There is only one sexual orientation that produces children, the whole point of sex in the first place. Any other sexual orientation is biologically dysfunctional. The latest Office for National Statistics survey reports that less than 4% of the population identify as anything other than heterosexual, even after the recent explosion in varieties available. But to Inclusion Labs such straightforwardness is oppressive and exclusive. 


Does anyone doubt that Inclusion Labs would like more children to think of alternative sexuality? That they distrust parents’ heterosexual bigotry and see themselves as pied piper intervening to liberate our children in the sacred cause of diversity? That is against the law (Human Rights Act 1988) but the religion of Progressivism is above the law, in its own eyes.


Those who have absorbed the Stonewall mantra “born gay” and the assertion that sexual orientation is always innate might be interested to review the paper by Hu & Denier in Demography Journal June 2023.

Learn More 

The acceptable spin in the press coverage of this report was that sexual fluidity was high, at 7% over a 6 year period, and movement was equal in both directions, to and from heterosexuality. That is true, but what is interesting is that the percentage change is much higher for those moving towards heterosexuality than those leaving it, because the heterosexual population is so much higher. What appears to be happening is that people, especially confused teenagers, are encouraged to adopt more “interesting” sexual identities but they end up reverting to the biologically purposeful heterosexuality. 


Which of these sexual identity flags is most appealing to a child? Probably not the black and white straight flag, somewhere down on the bottom row.


The survey is step 1 of a 4 step process and it does inform some of the action proposed in step 2. By step 3, however, Inclusion Labs is talking of its framework and applying its preconceived solutions to its preconceived problems. In the final Step 4 schools are expected to be enlisted in the socialist army: “Be a part of our community of purpose-aligned individuals, organisations and schools on a shared journey to inclusion – be at the table and join our movement.”



It is a purpose-driven company, it proclaims. Its purpose is not to improve education impartially, but to indoctrinate our children to enlist them into its Far Left cause.

Collectivism, the Left’s overriding of the individual and hostility to free debate, is highlighted.


About us

The about us page starts with the word Truth, in giant bold letters. Knowing that in the Left’s relationship with truth, dogma always takes priority we are reminded to prepare ourselves for some linguistic sleight of hand.  We don’t have to look far. “Eliminating social inequality” How do we do this?  We could start with closing down the Dragon School and other independent schools.  To Inclusion Labs, probably the only good thing about our school is that they have been invited to take it over.  Britain is a country with highbrow and lowbrow culture. To achieve social equality means removing the high, sadly you could not do it the other way round. No one is prohibited from reading Shakespeare, high culture is, still, available for all. However, Progressive educationalists have paradoxically succeeded in making high culture less accessible to those not born into it, in their dumbing down and their hostility to selective education.


The values do not make sense to many parents. The We Are Authentic paragraph starts with lived experience (as if there is any other kind of experience) and says “We are dedicated to making the majority invested in the minority.”  Exploiting tiny minorities to dismantle the culture of the rest of us is a key tactic of the Left, and we should keep our eyes open and our minds alert to this and its consequences.


Inclusion Labs’ website urges us to sign up to two campaigns:

Diverse Governing Board by 2030 Pledge.

This requires the composition of the school board to tick an array of EDI boxes. There is to be a designated DEI lead. This would in effect be a religious post akin to the foundation governors on a Church of England school. The difference is that DEI has not created any schools, it comes to take them over.  Furthermore, it is highly likely that a DEI governor will be much more fundamentalist in pushing his DEI religion than the typical self-effacing Anglican parish governor.  
25% Diverse Literature by 2030 Pledge.

This target for a quarter of books to be “diverse and inclusive” gives the game away on the use of inclusive as a term that actually excludes the majority of us. Schools are also required to proselytize other schools “to be part of this movement for change everywhere”.  All schools, everywhere, are required to change in the direction that Inclusion Labs instructs. Excuse me, that does not sound very diverse. In the US, the use of racial quotas, and the lowering of standards for preferred races in university admissions is rightly now facing pushback.  The questioning of DEI is accelerating after the exposure of outrageous anti-Semitism by the Progressives who have captured the administration of universities. If books are to be chosen in a tick-box exercise commanded by Inclusion Labs there is a conflict with academic excellence, in the same way that lowering admission standards has done. Children at a British school have a rich culture of sophisticated English literature to study.  They cannot be required to study the culture of the whole world, desirable though that might be if time were unlimited.  Parents do not want our children to have shallower scholarship, as they race through a world curriculum, or to be diverted from the classics to lesser works, simply to tick a diversity box.    

Tenets of  Takeover

In the appropriately red banner, the brazenness of the demands by Inclusion Labs to take over every area of school are breathtaking:

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