Diversity Equity Inclusion

How DEI controls us

How Equity Diversity Inclusion tries to control us

The attraction of Progressivism with its programme of DEI seems to be a couple of carrots and a big stick:

Flattery   that one is a morally superior person in the vanguard of the march to the perfect utopia, with discrimination and hatred to be banished from the world. In the West materialism, self-indulgence and pride have pushed our foundational religion of Christianity off the public square, to a large extent. Christianity is rejected for being too humbling, it encourages self-control and it does not confer self-righteousness. Progressivism has come in, like a gas to fill a vacuum, and is offering people the psychological prop of religion, covertly. It is a religion without sacrifice or self-control. DIE Progressivism offers a short cut to the moral high ground.

Freedom  to look down on others, and to feel good about looking down on others, the dissenters who do not join in the goose-step.

Fear  of disapproval and cancellation if one dissents.

EDI is a programme for the implementation of a different society, at the most fundamental level. It is a religion that does not want to be identified as a religion.  It is a revolution that does not admit to being one, but pretends to be a natural, good, inevitable and incontestable evolution.


An honest proposition to us from Progressive EDI advocates should be something like this:

Here, we think we may have a better belief system than the Christianity that has delivered us the Western Civilization that we enjoy today. Yes, our proposed system is in many ways a new iteration of the Socialism that has over the past century always led to tyranny and destruction, and 100 million deaths. Our new cultural version, however, we think could be just perfect!  Let us look at this proposed new system, discuss, debate and test it to see whether it actually is as good as we like to think it may be, or if there are disadvantages or difficulties in practice with implementing it and what the consequences of following it may be. Let our best minds research freely into contested areas, because the future happiness and security of our children depends on it.


Instead what we have is:

This is a higher awareness above all other religions and belief system. Believing in this and promoting it is ultimate virtue. We are co-opting words with good established connotations to describe our new awareness (Progressivism) and the programme for its implementation and forcing compliance (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity).  This is because we do not want people to think too hard about the new belief system, but simply to comply with it. We are also creating and manipulating words to condemn dissenters (racist, transphobic etc) and stop free discussion, then we are stretching these words to push our power over the culture wherever we want to go next. We want to make those who dare to dissent fearful of loss of employment and eternal condemnation. Scholarly and scientific research into the areas where we are changing the culture is not to be allowed if it produces the wrong results. That is to be condemned as pseudoscience. Do not look too far ahead to see where our EDI Progressivism will leave our children and grandchildren, we are not too concerned about that. Just enjoy the self-righteous superiority today as we fight each battle on the trajectory of Progressivism against the bigots who dare to disagree with each step.  


Why DEI must end for good

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Bari Weiss, ex-op-ed editor at New York Times:

I was a student at Columbia when I encountered this ideology for the first time.  I noticed that it contradicted everything that I had been taught since I was a child. This was a worldview that replaced basic ideas of good and evil with a new rubric:


the powerless (good) and the powerful (necessarily bad).


DEI replaced:

  • – colour blindness with race obsession;
  • – Ideas with identity;
  • – debate with denunciation;
  • – persuasion with public shaming;
  • – the rule of law with the fury of the mob.
I noticed that people were to be given authority in this new order not in recognition:
of their talents
or their gifts
or their hard work
or their accomplishments
or their contributions to society,
but in inverse proportion to the disadvantages their group had suffered as defined by radical ideologues.

The dangers of DEI have been made exceptionally clear by what’s been happening on college campuses today, campuses where professors are compelled to pledge fidelity to DEI in order to get hired, promoted, or tenure.


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