Diversity Equity Inclusion
EDI in conflict with school ethos

EDI in conflict with school ethos
Free-thinking or EDI? Pick one.
The Dragon is not a goose-stepping school.
The Dragon School Ethos and Aims policy document lists various aims of a Dragon education, of which the following are at risk from smothering the school with EDI bureaucracy:
- Foster intellectual curiosity
- Pursuit of excellence
- Take risks
- Individuality
- Display confidence and independence
DEI is the implementation of a belief system that competes with, and conflicts with Christianity (and with Islam for that matter). It puts itself above other religions. It is therefore a religion itself, since nothing is above religion except a better religion (in the eyes of its own believers.) And DEI does not hold back when it comes to putting its ideology above science and statistical evidence, the first charge that Atheists level against religions.
The first and last sentences in this introduction by the Head are great expressions of the strengths of our school. The jarring insertion of DEI in the intervening sentence is out of place. DEI is in fact antithetical to free-thinking, confidence and positive outcomes for individual children, because it makes us fear to voice opinions outside the ever-narrowing Overton window of thought acceptable to the Far Left.
The school is inclusive and diverse already. There need be no mission to achieve inclusivity or diversity.
Progress, in our school, is at the level of the development of the individual child, not the organisation. A child typically arrives at 8 and leaves at 13 and undergoes an awakening and discovery of our world, our civilization and various disciplines. We want their minds opened, not closed.

The new text that has appeared on the school website under Equality Diversity Inclusion “Review all School policies in line with EDI objectives” is a spine-chilling threat to those with diverse beliefs and free-thinkers. The threat here is that the template of EDI conformity may be laid over any policy or activity in the school to screen out the dissident. The recently set up Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians https://cidac.co.uk is hearing a number of cases of Christian teachers dismissed for expressing mainstream opinions which dissent from the ever-hardening Progressivist DEI ideology.